Tuesday, 4 October 2005
Come Walk With Me
Come walk with me

Come walk with me and take my hand,
if only in a dream;
and I will take you to a place
where you have never been.

Come walk with me along a beach,
where nightfall's tide comes in,
to feel the sand beneath our feet
and smell the sweet salt air.

Come walk with me and hold me close,
and help me feel secure,
for just a moment in this place,
I can let my feelings show.

Come lay with me for in a dream,
my cares and fears subside,
and I shall bare my soul to you
in the safety of your arms.

Come talk with me for in the past,
I retreated deep within.
To dwell behind these walls so high,
I let no others in.

Come walk with me and be my friend,
to comfort my lonely heart.
For friends care not of what you were,
just only what you are.

A friend in you is what I've found,
my dream is now complete.
You make me glad of the day we met,
my heart now skips a beat.

Our dreams are where we two can go,
and bring the joy of love.
A place in time where we can say,
we belong to one another.

The gift you give unknowingly
is far more precious than,
all things in the material world
rolled up into one.

Thank you for your friendship,
and the dreams we now enjoy.
They bring to me a joy so real,
it lightens my very soul.

Our dreams allow us to escape
the burdens of our lives,
and with your hand in mine my friend,
the world will never win.

Posted by donnyjrmail at 6:59 PM PDT

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