Thursday, 18 August 2005
8/18/05 12:30
I finally tracked down this pic that I knew I had some where. I'ld stumble across it and forget where I saw it. I still don't remember which album the original is in, but I did get it to an album that I use more often. I'm going to try to insert it here.
WELL, forget that. I'm not on a puter with my folder on it. (The library won't let us create folders.) Oh well, its in my tripod album. It's the pic with me in a white shirt. Going to see what's up at "the castle".

Posted by donnyjrmail at 12:38 PM PDT
Friday, 22 July 2005
NOT MUCH ON 7-22-05
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Another hard day
Topic: take a break
I've been busy going through my folders today and haven't gotten much done.
I sure could use a hug today. I'm tired and don't feel like I got anything done.
It's 7:15 p.m. right now. I still have an A.A. meeting to go to. I really don't feel like it, but I'm going anyway.
Got to take a shower before I go. The meeting's at 8:00 so I guess I better get going.
Later, Love You, Bye.

Posted by donnyjrmail at 7:09 PM PDT
Tuesday, 19 July 2005
Now Playing: Donny Jr.
Topic: take a break
I just had to get something onto this blogsite and after writing all that new stuff on my website I guess it's time to take a break from EDITING.
I do want to put a link to my website in here so we can go back and forth. But right now it's 2:10p.m. and I'm putting off going outside to smoke a cigarette. I'll write as long as I can hold out.
I guess right now is a good time to put in that link so here I go. TO MY WEBSITE my website
Right now this doesn't look right. I see all the s and= and all of that techie stuff. It's the html code for a link to my site.

Posted by donnyjrmail at 2:18 PM PDT

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